IaC Cost Patterns

A collection of patterns and antipatterns for managing cost in IaC files.

Pattern: Object storage lifecycle rules

Define lifecycle rules for object storage to move objects to cheaper storage or drop them entirely.


By default, objects stored in cloud object storage are retained, and therefore billed, indefinitely. Objects also have a storage class or access tier, which can be used to balance access performance and cost depending on the use case.


By configuring lifecycle rules or policies, objects can be transitioned to cheaper storage classes or deleted after a certain amount of time.


Transition objects under the "log/" prefix to the Glacier storage class after 60 days, and expire after 90 days:

resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "example" {
  bucket = aws_s3_bucket.bucket.id

  rule {
    id = "log"

    expiration {
      days = 90

    filter {
      prefix = "log/"

    status = "Enabled"

    transition {
      days          = 60
      storage_class = "GLACIER"




AWS CloudFormation