Identifying sustainability in posts from Q&A platforms like Stack Overflow is no easy task. In this project, your main focus will be to explore a list of posts from Stack Overflow. This initial list has already been pre-filtered to ensure the posts include 1- sustainability-related terms and 2- cloud computing-related terms. Your job is to further analyze and filter these posts to determine whether they are genuinely related to sustainability within the context of cloud computing. Next, you will identify which dimensions of sustainability are discussed in each post. By the end of the activity, you will have an annotated dataset of sustainability-related posts from Stack Overflow. This dataset will serve as the foundation for performing the required data extraction and analysis tasks. To build the dataset, you will work in a group under the supervision of a head researcher. Once the dataset is complete, you will work individually on the provided dataset to perform data extraction and analysis. This individual work will vary for each student, with a unique focus.
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